Deck of Joker and the Thief Victory playing cards on a note pad with pen and two playing cards Deck of Joker and the Thief Victory playing cards on a note pad with pen and two playing cards




3 Ways to Shuffle a Deck of Cards - Joker and the Thief

Learn how to shuffle a deck of playing cards like a pro with our guide to the 3 most popular methods. From the basic Overhand Shuffle to the iconic Riffle Shuffle, impress your friends and master a useful life skill. Step by step instructions and helpful tips included. Say goodbye to embarrassment and hello to impressing everyone with your card shuffling skills.

FEATURED: Deckin' Around - Joker and the Thief
Joker and the Thief founder, James Milaras, talks all things playing cards and cardistry on the Deckin' Around podcast with Steve and Tyler!
ARCHIVAL: Maidens & Dystopia - Joker and the Thief
Joining the archives are Joker and the Thief's Maidens Playing Cards and Dystopia Playing Cards. The Archival is a series where you can see our discontinued, limited, and out of print decks.
CARDISTRY WAS HERE - Joker and the Thief
Joker and the Thief teams up with Sean Oulashin on a charity mission to travel to a remote Himalayan village in Nepal and teach children the art of Cardistry.
DESIGN DEEP DIVES: The Journey of Seafarers - Joker and the Thief
In this series we are calling Design Deep Dives, Joker and the Thief invites you behind the scenes to see how a deck of playing cards goes from concept to finished. Let's take a look at the journey of the nautical Seafarers playing cards.
4 Essential Items that EVERY Cardist Needs! - Joker and the Thief
Starting Cardistry can be confusing. What cards should I buy? How many hours should I practice? What accessories should I buy? In this article we list the 4 most essential items for Cardists that will instantly improve your flourishes and your lifestyle!
5 AWESOME items in our Everyday Carry! - Joker and the Thief
From Playing Cards to Pocket Knives - see Joker and the Thief's Everyday Carry! A little guide for you to see what gets us through the day and to maximise our productivity, in style!